GedSite News #044


In this issue:

GedSite Version 3.01 Released

This release includes several enhancements including the following items which are described in this newsletter.

Please see the Change Log for other details.

Name Icons Facility

The new Name Icons facility adds one or more icons to a person's name. Use Name Icons to highlight a characteristic of the person, such as military service, or whether the person is a direct ancestor, etc.

Icons may be added to names in various parts of the site, including the Subject Name at the top of the person entry, in the Parent or Family sections in the person entry, or in the name index.

Here is an example showing a Name Icon added before a name in the name index.

screenshot of name index entries where on name has a green tree icon

The Name Icons Table User Item complements the Name Icons facility. It creates a table that explains the Name Icons used on the site so your visitors will know what the icons mean. The Name Icons Table User Item uses a description you add to the Name Icon entries so it can create the table without further input from you.

Person Image User Item

The new Person Image User Item inserts the primary image exhibit of a person into a custom Page. Use it to include the image of a person when the text on the page refers to the person.

Match All Diacritics

This version includes a new property in the Search User Item, Match All Diacritics. Diacritics are sometimes called "accents", but accents are only a subset of the diacritic marks that may be part of a character. The new feature makes it easier for visitors to search for names or places that may include a character with a diacritic mark.

For example, "Jönsson" is a common surname in Sweden. It might also be spelled "Jonsson" where "ö" has been changed to "o" due to anglicization or other factors. When Match All Diacritics is enabled, the GedSite Search feature will automatically treat "ö" and "o" as equivalent. The person using the site can enter either character and the results will include names with either character.

The Match All Diacritics feature does not recognize every character that has a diacritic mark. You can see which characters are supported on the help page.

Anchor Enhancements

This release includes two complementary features that are intended to be used on custom Pages that have a lot of content.

  1. The Heading User Item now includes an Anchor Name property to make it easy to assign an Anchor to a Heading.
  2. The new Page Contents User Item adds a table of contents to a custom Page by searching for Heading User Items on the Page that have an Anchor Name.

This makes it simple to add a table of contents to a Page: assign Anchor Names to your Heading User Items, then add a Page Contents User Item, and you are done.

Associated Text Feature

The Image Gallery now supports an Associated Text" capability to associate a transcription with an image in the gallery.

As of this release, the Associated Text capability only works with the Image Gallery. In future releases, it will be added to other image features.

How to Download

Existing customers may download the current version from the Downloads page.

How to Buy

For purchasing information, see the Purchases page.

Prices and policies mentioned on this page were current when the page was published. Prices and policies are subject to change. See the GedSite home page for current version and price information.

This copyrighted material may not be redistributed.

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