GedSite News #043


In this issue:

GedSite Version 3.00

This is a major new release with new features and enhancements. Some new features are described in this newsletter. See the Change Log for details.

This is the first paid upgrade since GedSite 2 was released in November of 2017. There have been twelve free upgrades since then, and most of those included significant new features.

All existing GedSite 2 customers should upgrade to GedSite 3. By staying current, you'll have access to the lastest features and fixes. Support the further development of GedSite by purchasing the upgrade!

Chart Images

You may now include the person's primary image to the boxes in a Box Descendant Chart or Box Pedigree Chart.

Images may be aligned on the left, right, top, or bottom:

Chart entry image alignment options

As part of this change, the "connectors on right" layout of the Box Pedigree Chart has been improved.

Here is an example of the old layout:

Layout prior to version 3.00

The screenshot below shows the new layout which is more compact vertically.

Layout in version 3.00

New Person Entry Items

This version includes two new Person Entry items:

  • The Ethnicity Item adds ethnicity information to the person entry. If you have (or add) national origin tags in your genealogy project, the Ethnicity Item will compute the cultural ethnicity of descendants based on the national origin tags of their ancestors.
    screenshot of Ethnicity item output

    The Ethnicity item is focused on culture rather than DNA. Its definition of ethnicity is based on the country of origin (or culture) of ancestors. It helps your family members answer the question, "How (English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, etc.) are you?"

  • The Ancestor Lineage Item adds a lineage path (descendant names) or ahnentafel number to the person entry. For a site focused on the ancestors of a specific person, the Ancestor Lineage Item shows the path from an ancestor to that person.

    For example, if Mary Graham is the subject of the Ancestor Lineage Item, and the current person is William Bezanson, an ancestor of Mary Graham through his son George Bezanson, the output would be as follows:

    George Bezanson2, Sarah Bezanson1, Mary Graham0

    In the actual output, each name is a link to the given person.

New "Ancestor Of" Properties

This version includes two new properties for the Ancestor Of filter term: Include Siblings and Include Sibling Spouses. These properties make it easier to select the members of the direct families of an ancestral line. For a site focused on the ancestors of a specific person, you may find it useful to use these properties to widen the group of people included in the site.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I just bought GedSite 2. Do I have to pay for the upgrade?
A: See the Recent Purchases section of this newsletter.
Q: Will GedSite 3 read a GedSite file (".gsfile") written by GedSite 1 or GedSite 2?
A: Yes, GedSite 3 will read a ".gsfile" file written by any prior version. Properties and settings that have been changed in GedSite 3 are converted automatically.

The opposite is not true: do not open a GedSite 3 ".gsfile" file using a prior version of GedSite.

Recent Purchases

Customers who purchased the full version of GedSite 2 on or after January 15, 2019 will receive a free license for GedSite 3. The license will be sent to the email address associated with that purchase.

Customers who qualify for the free license should not purchase the upgrade or the full program. Customers who qualify for a free license but make a purchase anyway will be charged a handling fee equal to the upgrade fee.

Customers who recently purchased the upgrade to GedSite 2 are not eligible for a discount; they should purchase the GedSite 3 Upgrade. See the Purchases page.

If you purchased prior to January 15, 2019, even by only a day or two, you do not qualify for the free upgrade. I know it can be frustrating to miss a cutoff date by a small margin, but there are always customers who are just outside the cutoff date no matter when that date is. GedSite is updated frequently, and most of the updates are free. I am confident that the longer you have GedSite, the more you will think it's a good value.

Upgrading to GedSite 3

Upgrading is easy! Install the new version and then open your current GedSite ".gsfile" file with GedSite 3.

After you install GedSite 3 and it is working properly, you should uninstall GedSite 2.

How to Download

Existing customers may download the current version from the Downloads page.

How to Buy

For purchasing information, see the Purchases page.

Prices and policies mentioned on this page were current when the page was published. Prices and policies are subject to change. See the GedSite home page for current version and price information.

This copyrighted material may not be redistributed.

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