You may add Person References items to the Person Entry list to include links to other pages where the person appears. For example, if a person appears in a List of People which has the Add References property checked, that person's Person References will include a link to the List of People.
Person References are assigned a type based on the item that creates the reference, and you may select the type of entries you want to appear. See Type Selections.
Each of the items that create references include properties that control whether the reference is created or not. For example, if the Add References property of the List of People User Item is checked, then the List of People will add references for each person included in the list. Otherwise, it will not.

For descendant charts, you may configure the chart to add references for the descendants, and you may choose to add references for spouses, or not.
Links to other people based on relationships or shared events do not appear in a Person References list. Those links are created by relationships or shared events in the GEDCOM file.
The following screenshot shows the output from two Person References items. The first Person References item has the title "Charts" and includes Chart-type references only. The second Person References item has the title "Lists" and includes List-type references only.

Enter the text that you want to appear as the label for the person references.
Singular or Plural Title
The Person References item may produce zero, one, or more items in a list. If you want to use a singular title when the list has one item, and a plural title when the list has more than one item, add both titles to the Title property and separate the singular title from the plural title with the ||
characters. For example, Reference||References
See Enabled in the Common Properties section of the User Items help page.
Type Selections
Type Checkbox | If checked, includes references from: |
Chart |
Box Descendant Charts
Box Pedigree Charts Indented Descendant Charts Indented Pedigree Charts Relationship Charts |
Link | Person Links |
List | Lists of People |
List Type
The List Type pull-down menu determines the format of the list of references. The choices are:
Value | Example Output |
Comma Separated | Descendants of John Doe, World War I Veterans |
Row Separated | Descendants of John Doe World War I Veterans |
Semicolon Separated | Descendants of John Doe; World War I Veterans |
New Container
When New Container is checked, the output of this item will be placed in a new container. When New Container is unchecked, which is the default, the output of this item may be added to an existing container if the output of a previous Person Entry Item uses the same container type as this item.
- If you want to merge the output of the Person References item with a previous Person Entry Item, leave New Container unchecked.
- If you want the Person References item to close the prior container and open a new container, add a checkmark to New Container.
When a Person Entry Item creates content of the same type as the previous content, the new content is added to the same container as the previous content.
For example, when using a grid-type Format, the Links and Person References items both create a row with two columns in a table. The table is the container. If the output of the Person References item follows immediately after the output of the Links item, the output of the Person References item will be added to the same table that contains the Links content.
If you prefer that the Person References item starts a new container, add a checkmark to the New Container property. Typically, creating a new container will add vertical space between the prior output and the current output.
See: New Container Item
CSS and User Styles
Person Entry items that produce lists include a CSS class name for each each row in the output of the item. This makes it possible to apply User Styles to the output of those items.
The class name for Person References items is "pe-item-person-references