GedSite News #051
GedSite Version 4.00
This is a major new release with new features and enhancements. Some new features are described in this newsletter, including the new Card Panel and enhancements to Family Historian support. See the Change Log for details.
This is the first paid upgrade since GedSite 3 was released in March of 2019. There have been seven free upgrades since then, and most of those included significant new features.
All existing GedSite 3 customers should upgrade to GedSite 4. By staying current, you'll have access to the latest features and fixes. Support the further development of GedSite by purchasing the upgrade!
New Person Entry Items
This version includes several new and changed Person Entry items:
- Added a new Tag Set type, Cards Panel
Example Cards for Birth and Marriage Events - Added the Person Prefix property to the Subject Name, Family Sections, and Parent Section Person Entry Items
You can now add a reference number or other value before names that appear in the sections listed above.
- Added the Output Type and Class properties to the Ancestor Lineage Item
- Added the Class properties to the Descendant Lineage Item
Family Historian 7
GedSite 4 supports several new capabilities included in Family Historian 7 including:
- Added support for source templates
- Added support for rich text in notes including line formats (paragraphs, lists, indented lines), inline text styles (font family, font size, text color, highlight color, bold, italic, strikeout, and underscore), and tables (rows and columns)
- Added support for links in notes including links to people and sources
- Added support for embedded citations in notes
GedSite 4 also improves support for Family Historian function expressions where you use functions in sentence templates to produce values that are not possibble via variable references.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: I just bought GedSite 3. Do I have to pay for the upgrade?
- A: See the Recent Purchases section of this newsletter.
- Q: Will GedSite 4 read a GedSite file (".gsfile") written by a previous version of GedSite?
A: Yes, GedSite 4 will read a ".gsfile" file written by any prior version. Properties and settings that have been changed in GedSite 4 are converted automatically.
The opposite is not true: do not open a GedSite 4 ".gsfile" file using a prior version of GedSite.
Recent Purchases
Customers who purchased the full version of GedSite 3 on or after February 1, 2021 will receive a free license for GedSite 4. The license will be sent to the email address associated with that purchase.
Customers who qualify for the free license should not purchase the upgrade or the full program. Customers who qualify for a free license but make a purchase anyway will be charged a handling fee equal to the upgrade fee.
Customers who recently purchased the upgrade to GedSite 3 are not eligible for a discount; they should purchase the GedSite 4 Upgrade. See the Purchases page.
If you purchased prior to February 1, 2021, even by only a day or two, you do not qualify for the free upgrade. I know it can be frustrating to miss a cutoff date by a small margin, but there are always customers who are just outside the cutoff date no matter when that date is. GedSite is updated frequently, and most of the updates are free. I am confident that the longer you have GedSite, the more you will think it's a good value.
Upgrading to GedSite 4
Upgrading is easy! Install the new version and then open your current GedSite ".gsfile" file with GedSite 4.
After you install GedSite 4 and it is working properly, you should uninstall GedSite 3.
How to Download
Existing customers may download the current version from the Downloads page.
How to Buy
For purchasing information, see the Purchases page.