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The Tags Section controls which Tag Types are eligible to appear in the site.


Tag Type Controls

The Tag Filter Type pull-down menu chooses one of three approaches to selecting Tag Types:

  1. When Tag Filter Type is set to All, the Tags list controls are disabled and all Tag Types are selected.
  2. When Tag Filter Type is set to BMDB only, the Tags list controls are disabled and all Tag Types in the Birth, Marriage, Death, and Burial groups are selected.
  3. When Tag Filter Type is set to Selected, the Tags list controls are enabled and you may select individual Tag Types that appear in the list.

    You may click the [All] button to select all Tag Types in the list, or the [None] button to deselect all Tag Types in the list.

Omit SortDate-Only Birth Events

The Omit SortDate-Only Birth Events checkbox controls the inclusion of a primary Birth Group event that specifies a SortDate only. If checked, GedSite will ignore primary Birth Group events that

  • have no date
  • have no place data
  • have no memo

The default is unchecked.

Some genealogists create Birth events with a sort date only to establish the order of birth of siblings when the birth sequence is known, but not the birth dates.

Expand AGE Values

When Expand AGE Values is checked, GedSite will expand abbreviated GEDCOM AGE record values when processing events that include ages. When unchecked, GedSite will not expand the abbreviations and will show the AGE value as-is. The default is checked.


The GEDCOM AGE record describes the age of a participant at the time of an event. The AGE value is typically entered manually, not calculated using participant's birth date and the event date.

The basic form of the AGE value is "YYy MMm DDd", where:

  • YY is an integer number of years
  • y is a literal that indicates the prior number is a year value
  • MM is an integer number of months
  • m is a literal that indicates the prior number is a month value
  • DD is an integer number of days
  • d is a literal that indicates the prior number is a day value

All of the components—years, months, and days—are optional.

Your genealogy program may support entering the AGE value in various forms, and may display the value differently than shown above. When exported to GEDCOM, however, compliant programs use the form shown above.

The expanded output is configured through a set of Strings Properties to allow for internationalization and customization. See: AGE Text Strings


When Expand AGE Values is checked, the following AGE values will be expanded as shown in the table below.

AGE Value Expanded Value
66y 8m 1d 66 years, 8 months, and 1 day
66y 8m 66 years and 8 months
66y 66 years
1y 22d 1 year and 22 days
16m 16 months
8m 22d 8 months and 22 days
44d 44 days