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A Tag Set Blocks Panel creates one block of output for each tag, or one block of output for a group of tags that are merged by date, year, or decade. Blocks are arranged sequentially left to right in a row, and will wrap to additional rows if required. You determine the content of the block using templates.

If you want fine-grain control over the content of a block, you should probably use the Cards Panel instead.

See the Tag Sets help page for more information about Tag Sets.


The screenshot below shows Blocks Panel output with tags grouped by decade. The Tag Set includes census events and the primary birth and death events for the subject.

screenshot of Blocks Panel output showing a block per decade


Group By

The Group By choices are None, Date, Year, and Decade.

  • When Group By is set to None, there will be a block for every tag. The first block will be the tag with the earliest date, and the last block will be the tag with the latest date.
  • When Group By is set to Date, tags with the same date will be in a single block. The first block will contain the tag(s) with the earliest date, and the last block will contain the tag(s) with the latest date. Group By=Date will produce the same output as Group By=None if no blocks share the same date.
  • When Group By is set to Year, tags in the same year will be in a single block. The first block will contain the tag(s) with the earliest year, and the last block will contain the tag(s) with the latest year. Group By=Year will produce the same output as Group By=None if no blocks share the same year.
  • When Group By is set to Decade, there will be a block per decade. The range of decades is determined by the set of tags. The first block will be the earliest decade, and the last block will be the latest decade. The Block Panel Tag Set with Group By=Decade is limited to tags that have a regular date with a non-zero year.

    When using Group By=Decade, there may be empty blocks in the panel. You may alter the block headings and block formatting for empty blocks.

Heading Template

The Heading Template determines the heading of the block.

When Group By is set to None, you may refer to any Tag variable to render the heading. For example, [TL] will insert the Tag Label into the heading.

When Group By is set to Decade, you may use the [M:Decade] variable to insert the block's decade.

Heading Template (Empty)

The Heading Template (Empty) determines the heading of empty blocks. Empty blocks are only present when Group By is set to Decade. Typically, you set the Heading Template (Empty) text to [M:Decade] to insert the block's decade.

Content Template

The Content Template determines the content of the block for each tag in the block. The default is:


That inserts the Tag Label (minus any year prefix or suffix), the date, and the other people attached to the event.

Width and Height

By default, the browser will choose the width and height for blocks. Blocks that appear on the same row will be uniform height. You may set the width and height properties to set limits on the block dimensions. This is most useful when the Content Template produces a minimum of text for each tag.

Add Primary Birth and Death

If Add Primary Birth and Death is checked, GedSite will add the primary birth and death to the Tag Set even if they do not pass the Tag Filter.

Show Citations

If Show Citations is checked, GedSite will add the citation references to the block content.

Show Exhibits

If Show Exhibits is checked, GedSite will add the tag's exhibits to the block content.

Variables for Blocks Panel Templates

You may use variables in the templates properties, including [D], [Y], [L], [M], etc. You may also use the following variables and codes that are valid within Blocks Panel template properties:

VariableDescriptionValid In
[M:DECADE]Returns the decade derived from the date of the tag. For the Heading and Heading (Empty) properties.All
[SENTENCE]Returns the output derived by processing the subject's sentence template for the current tag.Content Template