Pages are divided into sections, and the content and format of each section is determined by a short, single-purpose script file called a Page Script. GedSite includes a library of Page Scripts, and users can choose a script for each page segment based on their preferences.
GedSite sets the initial value of all the Page Script options to reasonable choices, and so many users will not have to change any Page Script values.
Some users may want to alter how GedSite maps the content to page sections or make other adjustments. This section explains many of the options.
Page Scripts are flexible, and they are intended to work with multiple Themes and Layouts. Still, some Page Scripts will work better with some Themes and Layouts than with others.
Page Section Scripts
Page Scripts are assigned to each major page section, and can vary by PageSet. There are four main page sections: Menu, Header, Content, and Footer.
Menu Script
The Menu Script determines the content of the four menu areas on the page, the Top menu, MenuBar, Sidebar, and Bottom menu.
- Standard
- The Standard script is the best choice for most pages. It implements the choices indicated by the User Items.
- MenuBar from Data Item
- The MenuBar from Data Item script should only be used in the rare circumstance where you want to specify the HTML for the MenuBar yourself. Put your custom HTML in a Data User Item named "MenuBar" and the script will insert that HTML into the page where the standard MenuBar normally appears.
- MenuBar Items in SideMenu
- MenuBar items will appear in the SideMenu.
- SideBar Items in MenuBar
- SideBar items will appear in the MenuBar.
- Suppress All Menu Items
- All Menu Items are ignored; the pages will have no menu entries.
Header Script
The Header Script determines the contents of the header section. The header section contains the page title, site title, site subtitle, and extra header content defined by the user.
- Standard
- This script creates a header section that displays all the fields listed above.
- Page Title Only
- This script omits all header content except the page title and the Extra Header content, if any.
- No Header
- This script suppresses all the usual header content.
When there is no content, the empty .gs-header DIV element will still be part of the page, and by default that container includes padding, so an empty header will still be visible. You can use a pageset-specific User Style to hide the header entirely. For the Main Page PageSet, for example:
selector-1: .gs-pageset-mainpage .gs-header parameters-1: display: none;
- Extra Content Only
- This script suppresses all the usual header content. It inserts the Extra Header content, if any. If the Extra Header content is empty, then as described above for "No Header", the empty .gs-header DIV element will still be part of the page.
- No Page Title
- This script is similar to the Standard script but omits the page title. The site title is rendered with an H1 element.
- No Site Title
- This script is similar to the Standard script but omits the site title.
- Banner
- This script includes a banner graphic file and is intended for sites that use a banner in the header for most or all pages. To use the script, place a file named "header-banner" in the "st" (styles) subfolder of the Input (-i) folder. The file must have an extension of ".jpg", ".png", or ".gif". This script will include the banner in the header and scale the image when the browser window is smaller than the full-size image.
- Welcome
- This script includes a welcome graphic file and is intended for the Main Page of sites that use one of the Carla's Graphics Themes.
- With Page Description
- This script is similar to the Standard script but adds the page description.
Content Script
The Content Script controls the main section of the page. In most cases, the user will not change the Content script because GedSite sets it to the proper value based on the PageSet. Some advanced users may choose to create their own Content scripts.
- Standard
- This script produces the usual output which has the Page Description (if any), then the Page Content, then the Extra Content.
- Image Page
- This script is used for linked Image Pages. It is not suitable for other uses. It places the image caption above the image and other elements associated with the exhibit below the image.
Footer Script
The Footer Script determines the content and structure of the footer section. The Standard script creates a footer that includes:
- compiler information, details of which are controlled by the Compiler script (below),
- the bottom menu, details of which are controlled by a function in the Menu script (above),
- a build information section that respects the property setttings from the Build section of the user interface.
Head Script
The Head Script choice determines the contents of the HTML HEAD element. The HEAD element of an HTML page includes tags that do not create visible content, but affect the page in other ways.
- Standard
- This script creates standard META tags and other tags necessary for a proper web site.
GedSite supports static content that is added to the HEAD element of the page, so it is unlikely that users will have to create their own Head scripts.
Compiler Script
The Compiler Script choice determines the contents of the compiler attribution added to the footer.
- Standard
- This script creates the compiler information according to the properties in the Compiler Section. It includes the Message, if any, and adds the Compiler Strings.Label as a prefix before the compiler's name. The name is a Javascript-generated "mailto:" link if an EMail Address is provided.
PageSet-Specific Page Scripts
Page Scripts may be assigned to all the pages in a site by setting property values in the PageSets.Default section. Page Scripts may be assigned to a specific PageSet by setting property values in the section for that PageSet.