GedSite News #009


In this issue:

GedSite Version 1.2 Released

This is a free upgrade that includes the new Indented Descendant Chart User Item. This is the first of several charts that I will add to GedSite. Indented charts use nested lists to show a hierarchy. Future charts will use diagrams with boxes connected by lines.

I recommend that all users upgrade to this version. See the Change Log for other details.

How to Download

Existing customers may download the current version from the Downloads page.

To use the current version, you need a license for GedSite 5.

How to Buy

For purchasing information, see the Purchases page.

Prices and policies mentioned on this page were current when the page was published. Prices and policies are subject to change. See the GedSite home page for current version and price information.

This copyrighted material may not be redistributed.

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