This section includes the strings GedSite uses when constructing the input form and the results list for the Search User Item.
Search Form
The Subject Label property is the text used as a heading for the search terms related to the subject of the search. The subject is the person the visitor wants to locate. The default value is "Subject
The Given Label property is the text used as a label for the given name of the subject. It is also used for the given name field of the spouse and parents of the subject. The default value is "First & Middle Name(s)
The Surname Label property is the text used as a label for the surname of the subject. It is also used for the given name field of the spouse and parents of the subject. The default value is "Surname
The Birth Year Label property is the text used as a label for the birth year of the subject. The default value is "Birth Year
The Death Year Label property is the text used as a label for the death year of the subject. The default value is "Death Year
The Places Label property is the text used as a label for the places referenced by the events of the subject. The default value is "Places
The Spouse Label property is the text used as a label for the search terms related to the spouse(s) of the subject. The default value is "Spouse
The Father Label property is the text used as a label for the search terms related to the father of the subject. The default value is "Father
The Mother Label property is the text used as a label for the search terms related to the mother of the subject. The default value is "Mother
The Regular Expressions Mode property is the text used for the checkbox which allows the user to enable or disable regular expressions. The default value is "Regular Expressions
The Submit Button Label property is the text used for the submit button that executes the search using the current search terms. The default value is "Search
The Reset Button Label property is the text used for the button that clears the search form parameters. The default value is "Reset
Search Results
The Result Counts property is the text used to describe the current set of records shown in the results. The default value is "Results {0} to {1} of {2}
". GedSite substitutes the starting record number and the ending record number for {0} and {1}. GedSite substitutes the total number of matches for {2}.
The No Matches property is the text used in the results when no records match the search terms. The default value is "No matches
The Threshold Message property is the text used in the results when some of the results are not close matches for the search terms, but match on a subset of the terms. The default value is "The following results are not close matches, but may be of interest.
The Birth Year Prefix property is the text used before a birth year in the results. The default value is "b:
The Death Year Prefix property is the text used before a death year in the results. The default value is "d:
The Father Prefix property is the text used before the subject's father's name in the results. The default value is "father:
The Mother Prefix property is the text used before the subject's mother's name in the results. The default value is "mother:
The Name Variation Prefix property is the text used before a subject's non-primary name in the results. The default value is "var:
The Spouse Prefix property is the text used before the subject's spouse's name in the results. The default value is "sp:
The Reference Prefix property is the text used in the results prior to the name of someone associated with the subject. This text is only used when the subject is not a member of the site, but appears in the site as the result of a relationship with someone who is a member of the site. The default value is "see:
The Place Prefix property is the text used in the results as a label for places that are referenced by the subject's events. The default value is "place:
The Previous Button property is the text used on the button that moves to the previous page in the results. The default value is "« Previous
The Next Button property is the text used on the button that moves to the next page in the results. The default value is "Next »