

This section includes the strings GedSite uses when processing age-related variables.

Some of the strings apply to application-specific template variables. See the notes below.


Age Approximate Marker

The Age Approximate Marker text is used as a prefix when GedSite calculates an approximate age. The default value is "~".

Age At Format

The Age At Format text is used when GedSite is processing the :AT parameter for an Age variable. The default value in English is "at age {0}". So, for example, [S:A:AT] will produce the subject's age in the form "at age 30".

Age Commas Format

The Age Commas Format text is used when GedSite is processing the :AT:COMMAS parameters for an Age variable. The default value in English is ", at age {0},". So, for example, [S:A:AT:COMMAS] will produce the subject's age in the form ", at age 30,". The A:AT:COMMAS combination is the translation of the RootsMagic [AGE:AT:COMMAS] variable.

When Template

The When Template text is used by the {their ages} variable in Family Historian templates. The default value is "<when<< [C:PS] was [C:A:TEXT]><[+: and] [CO:PS] was [CO:A:TEXT]>>>".

When Range Template

The When Range Template text is used by the {their age ranges} variable in Family Historian templates. The default value is "<when<< [C:PS] was [C:A:TORC]><[+: and] [CO:PS] was [CO:A:TORC]>>>".