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The Preferences window contains the properties that affect the operation of the program that are not related to a particular GedSite file.


Upgrade Query Frequency

The Upgrade Query Frequency pull-down menu determines when GedSite checks for program updates. The available choices are explained in the table below.

To determine if an update is available, GedSite communicates with a remote server to compare the program version number to the most up-to-date program version. When enabled, GedSite executes the query during the startup process. The default frequency is "Never", so this query is disabled by default and you must "opt‑in". GedSite is updated multiple times per year, so we recommend choosing one of the other values.

When a program update is available, GedSite will display a button in the menu bar to the right of the Help menu:

screenshot of button with yellow background and black text that reads "Update Available"

Click that button to get more information.

Never GedSite will not check for updates.
Every Session GedSite will check for updates every time you start the program.
Once a Day GedSite will check for updates when you start the program if it has been at least one day since the last check.
Once a Week GedSite will check for updates when you start the program if it has been at least seven days since the last check.
Once a Month GedSite will check for updates when you start the program if it has been at least thirty days since the last check.

Show List Item Tooltips

The Show List Item Tooltips checkbox controls whether or not GedSite shows tooltips over items in list and tree properties. When checked, tooltips are displayed. The default is checked.

screenshot of several items in the Person Entry list with a tooltip showing for the Callout item

After you become familiar with the various item types, you may want to suppress the tooltips by unchecking Show List Item Tooltips.