The Notes Section includes properties related to notes in the data file.
Add Note to Global Sentences
The Add Note to Global Sentences checkbox determines whether the value of a tag's NOTE subrecord is added to the output of a global sentence.
This property is intended for use with GEDCOM files written by programs that have options to append event/fact notes to the output of a sentence template that does not include a variable to refer to the note. As of this writing, Family Historian and Rootsmagic support this option.
If Add Note to Global Sentences is checked, GedSite will add the note value to the end of the sentence output. The note is added as if "< [M:NOTE]>
" was added to the sentence.
Add Note to Local Sentences
The Add Note to Local Sentences checkbox determines whether the value of a tag's NOTE subrecord is added to the output of a local sentence.
This property is intended for use with GEDCOM files written by programs that have options to append event/fact notes to the output of a sentence template that does not include a variable to refer to the note. As of this writing, Family Historian and Rootsmagic support this option.
If Add Note to Local Sentences is checked, GedSite will add the note value to the end of the sentence output. The note is added as if "< [M:NOTE]>
" was added to the sentence.
Person Notes
Some genealogy programs allow the user to add a "general note" to a person. These notes are not added to a specific event (AKA fact or attribute). GedSite converts general person notes into Note events. This allows users to control the placement and appearance of general person notes with the Tag Set Person Entry Item.
Usage Notes
[M] Variables
If a sentence includes a variable that maps to GedSite's [M]
variable, using one of the "Add Note" properties above could result in the note being added to the output twice. As described on the Sentences help page, if you do not specify a part name, the M parameter returns the Text part if it is not empty. If the Text part is empty, it returns the Note part.
As of version 5.03, no supported sentence languages have a variable that maps to [M]
Split Note Parts
If note text includes the characters ||
, GedSite splits the text into multiple parts. Given this note text:
This is the first part. || This is the second part.
... GedSite will create these variable values:
[M:Note] = "This is the first part."
[M:Note2] = "This is the second part."
You may specify as many parts as you need.