On This Page


The Person Events User Item creates Page content from the events of a designated person. This allows you to create content in your genealogy program via events (AKA facts) that is not restricted to a Person Entry.

You supply the ID number of a person whose events will be used to construct the content. The person is typically not an actual person, but rather, a non-person. To include real people in the content, share events between the non-person and a real person.

Creating content with this User Item requires some effort in your genealogy program to define and add the events. One benefit is you may be able to use the content in reports created by your genealogy program. If you use a custom event type, once you configure that event type, it should be easy to add events that are shared between the non-person and a real person and thus add content that you manage in your genealogy program.

GedSite ignores the exclusion status of the non-person when it creates the content. Typically, the non-person should be excluded from the site to avoid having the same events included via the Person Events User Item and via a Tag Set in the person entry. The non-person should be deceased. The Death event, if any, for the non-person is ignored when creating the content.



The Title property identifies the User Item in the User Items list. The Title has no other purpose for this User Item.


See Enabled in the Common Properties section of the User Items help page.


Specify the ID number of the person whose events you want to include in the site.


You may use the Picklist button to select the ID.

Remove Leading Whitespace

When Remove Leading Whitespace is checked, GedSite will remove leading whitespace from the output for a Tag. The default value is checked.

Whether you should check or uncheck Remove Leading Whitespace is determined by the content of the events and the structure of the page content you intend to produce.

Include Citations

If Include Citations is checked, citation references will be included for the events that have citations.

Include Exhibits

If Include Exhibits is checked, exhibits will be included for the events that have exhibits.