GedSite News #032


In this issue:

GedSite Version 2.02 Released

This release includes several important enhancements including a TMG Direct Import feature. There are several other changes, some application-specific changes, and fixes. See the Change Log for details.

TMG "Direct Import"

GedSite will now read a TMG project directly. This avoids several limitations associated with TMG's GEDCOM export, including lack of sentence templates, name and place styles, etc. The direct import is more convenient for TMG users because they do not have to export a GEDCOM file before using GedSite.

Obviously, this feature is aimed at TMG users, but other users will benefit, too. I have added several features required by the TMG direct import, and in the coming months I will integrate those features with GEDCOM imports from other programs. The successful implementation of the direct import capability for TMG proves that other direct imports are possible, and I plan to add more this calendar year.

Which TMG users should use GedSite?

  1. For people who use Second Site now, who intend to stick with TMG, and who do not use other genealogy programs, they should continue to use Second Site. As GedSite matures, there may be reasons to switch from Second Site to GedSite even for those users who do not use other genealogy programs, but at this time, Second Site supports more TMG features and so it's the better choice.
  2. For people who use Second Site now and are considering switching to another program, they should get GedSite. This will allow them to compare how GedSite handles their TMG data to how it handles their data after transferring it into another genealogy program.

    GedSite, like Second Site, is a great tool for doing a broad and deep review of your genealogy data. The ability to browse your data quickly while seeing all the details is very helpful when transferring to a new program. Even if you do not intend to publish on the web, GedSite is a valuable tool.

  3. For people who do not use Second Site or GedSite, but who are considering creating web pages, GedSite is probably the better choice. The small difference in what SS provides for TMG compared to what GS provides will probably not matter, and if the user ever transfers from TMG to another program, he or she can continue to use GedSite.

The TMG Direct Import facility does not make GedSite a 100% replacement for Second Site. Please see the help page for The Master Genealogist for more details.

How to Download

Existing customers may download the current version from the Downloads page.

How to Buy

For purchasing information, see the Purchases page.

Prices and policies mentioned on this page were current when the page was published. Prices and policies are subject to change. See the GedSite home page for current version and price information.

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