On This Page


The Build Section includes options that determine what information related to site creation is included in the site.

The Footer Script includes the build information in the following format:

Site updated on 7 January 2017 at 8:30:04 PM from SAMPLE; 57 people



The Enabled checkbox controls whether the build information is included in the output. The default is checked.


The Message textbox controls the text that precedes the build information text. The default value is "Site updated".

Include Build Date

The Include Build Date checkbox controls whether the date the site was built is included in the Build Section. The default is checked.

Date Prefix

The Date Prefix textbox controls the text that precedes the build date. The default value is "on".

Include Build Time

The Include Build Time checkbox controls whether the time the site was built is included in the Build Section. The default is checked.

Time Prefix

The Time Prefix textbox controls the text that precedes the build time. The default value is "at".

Include Database Name

The Include Database Name checkbox controls whether the database name is included in the Build Section. The default is checked.

Database Prefix

The Database Prefix textbox controls the text that precedes the database name. The default value is "from".

Include Person Count

The Include Person Count checkbox controls whether the number of people included in the site is included in the Build Section. The default is checked.

Person Count Suffix

The Person Count Suffix textbox controls the text that follows the person count. The default value is "people".