On This Page


The Compiler Section includes properties that describe the compiler of the information on the site, which is typically you, the GedSite user.

The format of the Compiler Section is controlled by the Compiler Script which is chosen via the Pagesets section.



The Enabled checkbox controls whether the HTML generated by the Compiler script is included in the output. The default is checked.


The Message text displays with the compiler information and may be used to describe the data in a general way, or perhaps to include a disclaimer... it's up to you.

General Message Only

The General Message Only checkbox controls whether the compiler data is limited to the Message only. The default is unchecked.


Enter your name in the Name textbox. When you create a new GedSite file, GedSite sets the name value to the name of the registered user.

EMail Address

The EMail Address property is used to specify your e-mail address. You must enter a value in the Name textbox to enable the EMail Address property. When you create a new GedSite file, GedSite sets the name value to the name of the registered user.

GedSite will use the e-mail address as a MAILTO: link applied to the name. The e-mail address will be hidden from e-mail address harvesters using a script. Visitors must have their e-mail client configured to open when they click the MAILTO: link.

Some visitors who use web-based e-mail clients do not configure their e-mail clients properly, and if so, clicking the link will not open an e-mail client.

Note If you do not include your e-mail address, people who visit your site will not be able to contact you. When that happens, they often contact me. I will not share your e-mail address with them unless I get approval from you, and I usually do not have time to be the middle-man, so it's far better to provide your e-mail address.